Primary consultation

During your first visit at the practice, we will draw up the medical record, containing a form with your data (the general state of health, treatments that you follow, a short history of the dental problems you had, data regarding your dental and periodontal status at the time of your consultation)

We recommend you bring an OPG panoramic radiography, to identify all dental problems.

During first consultation, we will:

  • Talk about the necessity of dental hygiene as strict as possible and the hygiene modalities you can use
  • Set out the treatment plan
  • Inform you about the cost of the treatments we will make


Professional hygiene

Sanitation is necessary at least once a year and it’s a manual labor that completes a dental hygiene correctly done by the patient at home.

It comprises three procedures:

  • Ultrasonic scaling (it removes the bacterial plaque)
  • Airflow (it helps with the depigmentation of dental surfaces and it gives a gingival massage)
  • Professional brushing (the finishing of smooth surfaces).

Sealing of ditches and fissures

We especially recommend the sealing of occlusal faces is especially to children, to prevent the formation of cavities.

Cavity treatment

Dental therapy refers to the treatment of simple cavities, by applying the fillings, after the tooth has been cleaned. We do the treatment without pain, under local anesthesia!

The periodic checks (every 6 months) make it possible to detect cavities in an incipient and timely stage, without involving the nerve.


Root therapy (root canal treatment) is performed when the nerve of the tooth has been damaged. In this case we are talking about a treatment of the complicated cavities. There is also the possibility of ‘nerve removal’ for prosthetic purposes, after grinding the teeth which will be covered with crowns.

The endodontic treatment comprises removal of the pulp tissue (the nerve), of bacteria and the affected tissue from the ducts, and the filling of root canals with specific materials.

The success of the endodontic treatment is determined by an optimal restoration at the coronary level, which can be done either directly through the obturation (filling) or indirectly through the crown.


The treatment comprises the restoration of teeth affected by cavities, fissures, with changed colors, but also the replacement of absent teeth. The fixed prosthetic works are represented by crowns and dental bridges, which are cemented after the grinding of the teeth. We can make these of ceramic materials, zirconium, composite, etc.

The mobilizable prosthetic works comprise are total or partial dentures. These may have a rigid, acrylic, or elastic base, much more comfortable and better accepted by the patients.

Dental-alveolar surgery

We are ready for dental-alveolar surgery maneuvers, from simple extractions to even more complex maneuvers.

Odontectomy – extraction of the included teeth, especially the wisdom molars, which are most often included because of their vicious position or the lack of space to erupt on the arch. These can create tension in the arch, pain, inflammation, pain in the temporomandibular joint, they can cause tooth decay or caries of the neighboring tooth.

Cystectomy – removal of a pus-sac from the root of the tooth, radiographically visible, larger than 0.5 mm. In most cases, we will extract the tooth involved.

Apical resection – removal of the infection from the root of the tooth (smaller than 0.5 mm) and part of the root tip.

Regularization of the alveolar ridge – smoothing of the bone after the extractions. This work is necessary to prepare the prosthetic field to make the prostheses.


Periodontal treatment refers to the treatment of gingival disorders (the inflammation and bleeding of the gums) and of the tissues supporting the teeth in the alveoli (periodontal disease).

We practice a specific protocol regarding the initial non-surgical therapy of the periodontal disease.

Dental cosmetics

The teeth whitening in the practice is achieved by applying a gel based on hydrogen peroxide 35%, assisted by a special light source from the professional whitening lamp. By releasing oxygen from the enamel layers, it whitens the teeth. The procedure takes approximately 60 minutes, after which we ensure the protection of the teeth by applying a remineralizing gel.

Dental jewelry comprises precious or non-precious stones applied by special techniques on your tooth.

Are you ready to smile?